Title: Salary Sacrifice Unravelled
Webinar Code: W-CPE33
CPE Hours: 1
Cost: $88.00, including GST.
Objective: This recorded webinar simplifies the complexities of salary sacrifice arrangements and equips you with the knowledge to calculate packages with ease. We explore the key elements of salary sacrifice, including tax implications, superannuation contributions, and best practice strategies to maximise benefits for both employers and employees.
What we cover:
- Salary Packaging versus Salary Sacrifice Arrangements
- Key Advantages and Disadvantages
- Tax Implications of Salary Sacrifice Arrangements
- Superannuation Contributions and the Relevance to Salary Sacrifice
- Practical Strategies to Maximise the Benefits of Salary Packaging
- STP and Reporting on the Income Statement
- Compliance Considerations and Common Pitfalls to Avoid
- Get creative and Calculate a Salary Sacrifice Arrangement with Team My CPE.
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Accreditation : TPB-Compliant CPE
Details/Format : Recorded Webinar
Outcome/Learning : Mastering Salary Sacrifice with ease
Type : Structured
Evidence of Completi... : Certificate
CPE Hours : 1